Terms and Conditions for Tenants
The terms upon which Fiona Penny Bespoke Home Finders shall act on behalf of our clients.
Terms and Conditions for Tenants
Our Terms
The terms upon which Fiona Penny Bespoke Home Finders shall act will be as follows:
- I note that you wish me to find a rental property, preferably with X bedrooms and X receptions rooms within the X area, up to a maximum monthly rental cost of £X,XXX.00.
- You wish me to inform you of any suitable properties, which become available to my knowledge during the next 16 weeks, or until such earlier date as you notify me your requirements have changed.
- As part of my service and included within the Success Fee (see below), I am delighted to offer you the choice of accompanied viewings in addition to any initial inspection I may have undertaken to assess the potential suitability of the property.
- [You also wish for me to negotiate the monthly rental cost of the property, introduced to you by me]/[You do not wish for me to negotiate the monthly rental cost of the property, introduced to you by me]. Please note that negotiation of the property rental price is also a service offered, included in the Success Fee.
- I shall be your sole search agent and accordingly you will not during the period you instruct me instruct another person or organisation to search for properties on your behalf.
- Although I am thorough when I inspect properties, I am unable to offer advice as regards the value, structure or condition of any property, with regards to any legal or planning issues affecting the property or in terms of your financing of it.(these are obviously issues of more immediate concern to a buyer). It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself with regard to these matters, taking professional advice as appropriate. I am happy to suggest the services of local solicitors, surveyors, financial advisers and other local professional services, though naturally am not responsible for the service they provide. For peace of mind I recommend that you take care to ensure that the services you receive from others in connection with your property tenancy agreement are properly documented and agreed from the outset. I would certainly recommend that a solicitor review any proposed lease of any property I find for you.
- An initial non-refundable Registration Fee of £350.00 is payable. If a suitable property cannot be found within the initial 16 week period, I shall be happy to extend the search period by up to 16 weeks, though may require a further non-refundable Fee of up to £350.00 in order to continue my searches on your behalf. The Registration Fee and any additional fee are deductible from the Success Fee. My Success Fee will be payable in the event that I introduce you to a property (including if I follow up leads you may have identified for me) in respect of which you (or someone connected with you) enter into a licence tenancy agreement or other agreement to acquire an interest in it. The Success Fee will be payable even if such agreement occurs after the 16 week period (or any extension to this).
- The Success Fee for a rental property is one month’s rental.
Please note that an additional Success Fee will become payable in the event that you (or someone connected with you) enter into a legally binding agreement i.e., an exchange of contracts to acquire an interest in a rental property to which I have introduced you (including if I follow up leads you may have identified for me). The Success Fee will be payable even if exchange of contracts occurs after the 16 week period (or any extension to it) or after your tenancy of the property has come to an end. The Success Fee will be calculated as a % of the agreed purchase price, as follows:
Purchase price (inclusive of fittings and fixtures) £500,000 to £750,000 £750,000 to £1,000,000 Excess £1,000,000 Success fee 1% 1.5% 1.75% - V.A.T. (20%) applicable on above fees.
- Payment is due upon receipt of my bill. If I hold money on your behalf (for example, the Registration Fee) I reserve the right to apply such monies to payment of my invoice and will notify you in writing that I am doing so. I will charge you interest on the bill at 8% per year, from the date of the bill if it is not settled in full within 14 days. Interest will be charged on a daily basis.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with all applicable data protection laws. Please read our Privacy Notice on our website which explains how we use personal data. When we use personal data about you or others in connection with providing our services to you, we do so as data controller. All communications relating to data protection and any questions you may have should be addressed to fiona@fionapenny.com for the attention of our Privacy Manager. Where you are a client, our main purpose in using your personal data is to provide you with information and services you have requested from us, invoice you for services we have provided, keep records of the work we have carried out for you and fulfil our anti-money laundering obligations. These terms deal with our use of your data as part of the services we provide to you. Also please see our Privacy Notice for full details and for our use of personal data in all other respects. Before agreeing to provide any services to you, we will need to carry out anti-money laundering checks. We process your personal data in these circumstances to comply with our legal obligations. When we are providing our services to you, we process your personal data to comply with our contractual obligation to provide those services. We also process personal data where it is in our legitimate interests to do so (for example, as part of the administration of our business). The main categories of personal data we use to provide our services to you are: name, address and other contact details, correspondence with us, bank account and billing details, and copies of your passport, driving licence, utility bills and/or other identifying information required to be provided to us for anti-money laundering services. We may share your personal data with our insurers, professional advisers and our colleagues. As part of the services we provide to you, we may share your personal data with other professionals (such as estate agents, letting agents or surveyors) and/or to private vendors/landlords, but only on your instruction. We will not otherwise share your personal information unless permitted by data protection law. We may hold copies or share your personal data with third parties outside the European Economic Area. If we do this, we will comply with the rules in the General Data Protection Regulation. We may store your personal data for six to eight years, or longer if required by law. If the General Data Protection Regulation applies to you, you have the following rights: the right to be informed, right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, the right to object and the right to withdraw consent. Further information on these rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website at www.ico.org.uk. If you want to exercise any of your rights, please contact our Privacy Manager at fiona@fionapenny.com. Please note that we may not be able to provide you with our services if you do not provide us with the information we request.
Want To Know More?
If you are considering using a home finder and would like to send us a brief description of what you are looking for, please use the form on our contacts page. We will then contact you to discuss your property search and how we can be of assistance.
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