The Fiona Penny Family is Growing!..
3 August 2017
The whole team here at Fiona Penny has 10 children, 2 stepchildren, 4 step grandchildren, 7 dogs, 2 cats and now the family is growing! Victoria’s gorgeous sausage dog, Hebe has had 4 bouncing boys who are so unbelievably cute that Jay has ended up with a little brother for Sydney the Labrador who is probably not going be that chuffed!
The litter started off quite quietly, but now all four have found their feet…and teeth! They love playing with each other and anything that is not a dog toy with a personal favourite being stray loo rolls! They have had their first taste of the outdoors today and filming them has been a challenge as they are not very good at staying in the same spot!
Hebe is a really caring, lovely mummy and fortunately one of her pups will be staying when the other three go to their new homes today. I think Victoria and Hebe will both have mixed feelings about waving them goodbye!